Wednesday, April 28, 2010

One year anniversary

Happy one year anniversary to my dear friend and blogging buddy. 

We don't have a lot of readers. We don't even blog too regularly. But, in this past year I think that all doesn't matter too much. It begin as a New Year's resolution for me to try something new and creative. I shared it with my sister, brother-in-law and Tyler on New Year's Eve and I tried to name it, "How does my garden grow?" but Tyler couldn't stop thinking impure thoughts. Good thing I waited another 4 months to act on my decision because it gave me the time to come up with a fitting name and fitting blogging partner.

I wanted Tierra Rural to be about food, nature, the environment, innovative ideas, sharing, gardening, connecting and us. And I think it is. Tierra Rural has brought me closer to a great friend and to the natural world around me. We hope to keep growing with the blog and to make it more informative and inviting every year. (I do really hope we can double our followers ;)

So, here's to friendship and new adventures in the blogosphere! Cheers
