Sunday, April 25, 2010

I want, I want, I want for spring

Something has come over me this spring and it's not good. It's this sudden want for everything. I'm slowly being sucked into a black hole of consumerism, but I haven't been sucked in yet! I am staying strong to my commitment to buy things based on need and not want.

However as I continue to resist I figured there is no harm in sharing my latest, cutest I want, I want, I want item for the garden. Check out this fantastically cute vegetable flag banner!

It's 28 buckaroos at the Windsparrow Studio shop on Etsy. You can check out this banner as well as others here: Windsparrow Studio on Etsy. You can cruise for other gardening I want, I want, I want items on etsy but let me warn you before you do: cruising etsy is a time zapper.

Ah, now I will return to picturing that cute little banner hanging on my back fence welcoming people into my garden. Hmmmm.... I may just give in on this one!


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