Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dog Mountain Hike with Lila

My dear friend and blogging partner, Lila, traveled up to Portlandia for a visit and, 'surprise!' to also be co-nanny with me for a few days. :) North was a love bug for us and even agreed to go to daycare (we *might* have left him there all day and were a little late in picking him up, shh, don't tell!) to allow for a beautiful hike up Dog Mountain along the Columbia River. Isn't he a doll?
Mr. Boo even consented to a short photo shoot, although he wasn't smiley about it
Alas, back to Dog Mountain. It was a spectacular hike, dotted with shady walks through berry bushes and lush ferns, as well as hillsides painted with beautiful wildflowers. It was a tough, that hike. Thank goodness for awesome views and friendly banter to get us to the top. Dog Mountain hike is about 7 miles RT and 2800' elevation gain=sore everything the next day. Were the hillsides also abundant with dogs like I wished? I'll let the pictures tell you.

Seriously, it couldn't have been more of a beautiful, wildflowery hike. And of course, none the better where company is concerned. :) Did you catch all the dogs along the hike? Yeah, me neither. So, the hike didn't live up to its name, but it sure put on an impressive Washington wildflower show for the California girls.


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