Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sugar Glazed Kabocha Squash and...spiders

Not to be confused with the fermented tea drink, Kombucha, kabocha squash is a japanese winter variety we received in our CSA box this week.

Colorful kabocha from the farm

I don't normally buy squash in the supermarket, but I am always delighted to see the fall colored vegetable among the greens and reds in the farm box. Last week while browsing cooking blogs I came upon a sweet squash recipe that looked so amazing I had to try it. So, when I saw the kabocha in the box this week I knew it was meant to be. I made this recipe from Pioneer Woman, but instead of using acorn squash, I substituted kabocha.

Brown sugar+butter+rosemary=Amazing!

Don't you all just love fall? And even though I live in what seems to be a year-round summer city, there are slight changes as November nears. Nights are cooler, morning and evening fog rolls in, dew is dripping from trees and webs, and spiders have come out en masse. I feel it is quite a nice thing Mother Nature has done for us humans: placing dew on pesky eye-level spider webs to reveal them to us before lunging into them.

While I was out taking kabocha squash photos this morning, I spotted several dewy webs in the distance and snapped a few shots. Spiders are nature in the city too, I think.

Loving fall-

I am off to a fall planting class. Can't wait to share the delicious info! :)

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