Friday, August 21, 2009

Family Gardening

It happens every time I visit my folks in Red Bluff. I arrive. I give hugs and kisses to parents and dog. I take a tour of the garden. I make comments on how lovely the garden looks and then, invariably, my parents tell me they have saved several garden "projects" just so they can do them with me. It makes me feel warm and special inside, actually. I appreciate their offer of spending time with them while doing manual labor to beautify their backyard and I know they appreciate my efforts several years ago to encourage them to transform a large plot of dirt into a garden sanctuary for them to enjoy whilst all their grown children are away. Let me tell you about the garden...

The garden project started about 20 years after we moved into the house. The previous 20 years were spent spraying weed killer multiple times a year on the future home of the garden to combat weeds that were taking over the plot of dried dirt. How dare they! Finally, as I was going to graduate from college in 2006 and I had been living with my parents the last semester, I decided it would be fun to have a garden party for a graduation celebration. However, we didn't have a garden. So, we mulled over the idea and began discussing plans for patio placement, raised vegetable beds and perennial choices. We didn't always agree, but we all did add some nice touches to the garden to make it our own. For instance:

Jeff had to have an artichoke plant. It is still coming back every year and now that my brother is away in the Air Force my parents always smile when they look out at the purple, blossoming artichoke and think of him.

My dad really wanted a meandering brick pathway. We did it and I think it looks pretty meandering.

My mom loves pansies and violets. Every spring they plant all the pots with the small, delicate flowers for her to enjoy.

I wanted ferns under the Redwood trees. We planted them and few months later they died. Boo. I also wanted berry bushes. And just this year my dad planted some blackberries. Yay.

It turned out to be great fun digging holes, pulling weeds, laying bricks, trimming trees, making numerous trips to Home Depot and the local nursery and planting vegetation with family.

My dad, mom, brother and I manually labored for about 2 full weekends and we transformed the dusty dirt plot into a colorful home for bees, butterflies, crazy bee chasing dogs and a tired family in need of some ice, cold lemonade to enjoy on the new patio under the Redwood tree.

Mom and dad keeping the garden growing.

I will always look back at that time we spent together as a family and see my brother and I becoming more of equals in our parents eyes, like we were hanging out as friends: sharing opinions, appreciating ideas, working together and enjoying each other. So, now when I return home for vacations and holidays I always know there will be a special, saved project for us to do together in the garden. I look forward to those times and realize family gardening is my favorite way of spending quality time with my parents.

View of winding brick walkway that leads to patio and passes Grandma's old bird feeder on the left.

Rex admiring the garden. Or he could be waiting intently for a throw of the ring.


P.S. I realized the before and after pictures of the garden are on my parents' computer, so next time I am home I am going to post them to the blog for more drama, you see.

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