Thursday, May 7, 2009

Great Valley Center Conference

Hey yos! So I'm just coming off of our annual great valley center conference: 20/20 Foresight: A View of the Great Valley in a Decade. It was a good couple of days, some of it inspiring, some of it exhausting. But the good news is I put my time in blogging at the conference so I think I should get two gold stars and link to it here: great valley center conference blog.

Particularly applicable to our blog mission (by the way I still have plans to write something for the about us section) was the address by California Secretary of Agriculture AG Kawamura and the founder and president of Natural Capitalism Solutions L. Hunter Lovins.

AG Kawamura spoke about how California really has two options in terms of the future of agriculture: we can just live or we can thrive. The decision to thrive really depends on us planning for predictable challenges. We know the population is going to increase (specifically in the valley, california ag's homebase), we know this population increase will increase the demand for housing, water, and transportation, so if we know this is going to happen why don't we plan for it now. Really the concept seems so simple but the truth is there is no plan for the future of agriculture. I was just super impressed by him and his address to the crowd so I encourage you to check out the summary of Kawamura's speech at the conference as well as our interviews with him that are up on the conference blog.

L. Hunter Lovins talked about how green practices and green concepts are beneficial to business interests (listen up angie). The main point she drove home was that being green is about profit and considering the return on investment (I never use that term but L. Hunter Lovins did) when green practices are implemented it's in everybody's best interest to encourage environmentally thoughtful business practices. Truthfully, I didn't think Lovins said anything that was that groundbreaking, but everybody else at the conference really like her so again check out her interview and presentation, maybe you will find it to be way more interesting then I did.

Also, I just had Robin look at our blog and she thought we needed music, I don't know how to music on our blog but I like this youtube clip so I'll post this clip of Paul Simon on Sesame Street instead: I have no clue how to imbed this video in the blog and I'm too tired to figure it out so I'm just linking it.



  1. Shit and I'm too tired to correct my grammar. Marcy you powerful admin you must give me admin power too so I can delete my posts with bad grammar. Until then my to/too mix ups will haunt me.

  2. This might work-If you go to the Dashboard option at the top right of the screen when you are signed in you can see the blog history of posts. From here you can edit and delete posts too...but I am not sure if only I have the power

  3. Ha! I have no idea how to help with that. I thought that if we were contributors we could edit our own posts. There isn't a little pencil at the end of your post, by the name and time it was posted? If so click on that and you can edit it as long as you are logged in. I will look into the issue- marcIIIIII

  4. How about I just change your title for now to Great Valley Conference- okay I just did. And then you can change it to whatever when we our Blog IQ's go up

  5. My god, I must have been really out of it. I misspelled your name? Seriously after 20 years of friendship I spelled it with a y? Ha and I just figured out why you put all those I's at the end of your name. I thought maybe you just slipped on the keyboard.

    your friend,

